Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Stairway to Heaven

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Get straight on the Golden Gate!

Land of the giants

Walking on sunshine
If you go down in the woods today...

Welcome to Muir Woods National Monument!
"This is the best tree-lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world," declared conservationist John Muir when describing the majestic coast redwoods of Muir Woods.
I have been down to Tasmania & also to Victorian old growth forests but this place is just incredible. Redwoods are so straight and when they are this old they are so tall, you practically have to bend over backwards to see the top of the tree!
Pics are of a grove of trees in the forest, a banana slug (that's a big slug!), ladybirds settling down for the winter. Bottom pic is a sign to no where, we climbed up many stairs (blog entry to follow) and found this sign - man where do we go from here!!
In the hanging garden, please don't speak

It is just so peaceful there with it's bounty of trees & water. Ashwin was having fun in the pram & as soon as we had a bite to eat he was off & wanting to take a bath in the water. This time of year the colours are spectacular and everything had an autumnal glow.
A hiking we will go...

The hike down was pretty good as the fog had 'burned off' (this is SF speak for the fog dispersing) and there was much more to see in the valleys. We saw a huge reservoir on the other side of where the ocean was & there was also a grove of some huge gum trees, that I imagine will just love the weather here. Ashwin had enough of the backpack by then & was having a ball on Dads shoulders - pulling James'hair & laughing away as the ride was pretty bumpy!
It was a great hike & would be worth another viewing on a day where there is less fog - mmmmm this is San Francisco so that might be very unlikely :)
Spending the greenback

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Zooming Squirrel

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Afternoon delight
We're on the road to somewhere...

The route we took home was called La Honda Road and as you can tell from the pic on the left it was very circuitous (a James word!). We drove through some enjoyable open space with tall, straight old trees forming a canopy of autumn leaves above us as we drove through. A highly recommended route to travel for a picturesque journey home but watch out for the sports cars & motorcycles - due to the twists & turns of this route it attracts the 'i feel the need, the need for speed' dudes!
Let's go surfin' now!

It reminded me a lot of Tasmania's beaches on the west coast with the rugged coastline & rough waves. The sand was salt & pepper & very different to the white sandy beaches in Australia. We enjoyed seeing & feeling the Pacific Ocean as that was a reminder of our home. The drive to the beach was quite a surprise due to the amazing views of the valleys & open space (national parks) areas that surround the valley itself. It is untouched with some huge trees & undulating green areas safe from development.
It was a cold day down at the beach with lots of chill winds & the water was icy. Here we are chilling out and there I am with Ashwin testing out the water. We had to go back to the car soon after as we were all turning blue. My feet were like icicles & about to freeze off - lucky there were some socks in the bag.
[']=0 <- Ashwin did this!

It's a wide open road...

Hey hey hey it's a sun shiny day!

Thursday, November 09, 2006
I met you at J C Penney...

I met you at j.c. penney
I think your nametag it said jenny
I cold step to you
With a fresh pack of gum
Somehow i knew
That you were lookin' for some
Like a fruit that's ripe for the pickin'
I wanna do ya like that zankou chicken
'cause you got a thing
That i'm tryin to get with
blah, blah, blah...
I think your nametag it said jenny
I cold step to you
With a fresh pack of gum
Somehow i knew
That you were lookin' for some
Like a fruit that's ripe for the pickin'
I wanna do ya like that zankou chicken
'cause you got a thing
That i'm tryin to get with
blah, blah, blah...
We visited the crappest mall in America - Vallco Fashion Park on Sunday - here is a shot of the boys wandering through. There was a makeover of the mall in progress, which didn't look like it was going to help the place. We thought how exciting, our first interior mall in America & we did visit J.C. Penney & it was crapola too! All the shops there had rubbish for sale & I have no idea why we wasted our time there - anyway it was an experience & we ain't goin' back for more.
Goin' bush...

Sunday was a family day where we decided to go for a bit of a hike (bit - being the operative word) as it was a very short hike! Anyhoo off we went on the Stevens Creek trail out to check out the reservoir in amongst the valley. It was a very full reservoir, unlike some of the reservoirs in Australia at the moment. There was even a guy fishing but there was this sign that said not to eat the fish due to the amount of mercury in the water - yikes! We ended up at a picnic ground for lunch & had some stale tortilla wraps and Ashwin pigged out on his usual fare. While we were at the picnic ground we saw this car stop by a huge garbage bin & then they got out of the car to take a look inside the bin (this was where Ashwins poo nappy was!!) and when they had enough they played the American national anthem and saluted to the sky. Very strange behaviour so we just power walked the hell outta there!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Stone the crows...

Yeah Ashwin felt quite surprised when he went down the slide (not by himself!!). It was fun for me too to hang on to him & slide down as well. This is another great little play area near where we live - a walk away in fact. As a task for the Artist's Way I had to shoot some shots, just for the sake of it in a short period of time - which was easy for me! I like this pic of the shadow on the stone, the sun was in a perfect position to get a 'neat' (colloquial Good, excellent, desirable) little silhouette.
The owl & the pussycat went out to sea...

They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!'
Edward Lear
And it certainly is a beautiful pussycat pic, made from little stones & sequins stuck to the canvas. It was found at this cool retro store called Be-pop http://www.be-pop-us.com/
Movin' on up!

So I arrived fairly early in the morning to take in some sights of the area while waiting for the workshop to start. Ended up wandering up Sutter St where I found a few galleries & these side streets that just go up & up. No wonder there are cable cars as the streets are very steep. The architecture around the area was just breathtaking as a lot of the buildings are very old & I've probably seen them in films before. It was quite an enjoyable little area which leads into Chinatown (yet to explore...) Check out the funky apple teev - get the kids hooked early!! On the way home, travelling the MUNI, it was great to see the Bay bridge in all its glory, at the Embarcadero (The Embarcadero is the eastern waterfront roadway of the Port of San Francisco). Cannot wait to see the Golden Gate bridge one of these days!
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