On an adventure to a new park the other day - we encountered a renegade squirrel! I had been told by my neighbours about the squirrels at this particular park and warned that a squirrel has even biten a child, so look out! So with that in mind Ashwin & I had our snacks before we entered the food prohibited zone... Thinking all was OK with taking the snacks that were left in a zipped up bag - we were supposedly safe??!! As it goes this "cute" little squirrel had broken through the bag. Whilst trying to get the squirrel away from the pram with a stick, Ashwin was laughing his head off at what was going on. Little did we know the plans this squirrel had as he had sniffed the bag of baby biscuits remaining in the bag! So the panda lunch bag is no more and the little renegade squirrel feasted happily on some baby snacks.
Here is a link to some action of the aftermath and the squirrel enjoying his feast and little Ashwin doing a runner away from the vicious squirrel -
'Vicious squirrel chases baby!'
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