Sunday :: 11am arriving SFO airport going back in time. First we got off the plane to wait in line at immigration to see the dude Sands who had a pistol in his pocket to suss out our visa which seemed to take ages. As it would do after a 13 hour flight from MEL & I was feeling a bit spaced out too! Then we found our luggage & Ashwins stroller (hidden somewhere else?) & the mission of finding the cats too in the Singapore airlines hangar waiting to be picked up. We ended up sussing it all out after hanging around the airport & making a call to find out the real deal... Then we caught the BART (dude) to the rental car co & after waiting for ages after a archiac credit card transaction we wandered down to find a 3 door car. That is just GREAT when u have a baby seat in the back of a car!! Next mission was trying to fill the car with our luggage & saving space for two cat containers. We managed to fit us all in and Ashwin was happy to see his cat friends. OK next stop the apartment in Cupertino - whew jetlagged and on the 101 heading south to San Jose. Lucky James had been here before & driven on the wrong side of the road so we got here to then discover where the hell are the keys for the pad?? in some box then there is a code to get in to the complex... Man too much to deal with but lucky we had an emergency burrito & massive softdrink to get us through the final hurdle. There was more to come carrying our luggage 3 flights of stairs from the carpark to the apartment. After all that, it was good to finally find our place to rest & let Ashwin play for a bit before we all settled in & tuned out.
TV is just crazy with so many ads - thought we had a lot back home in Australia but here it is HUGE! I can get used to watching the Simos 3 times a day though!! TV is a great educational experience and excellent to check out the food, junk food & lots of it - shame I ain't a junk addict??!! Now with whipped cream and a cherry :)
Monday :: Checked out the DMV, the bank & the social security info to get it all happening. It will all happen but very slowly... First we have to wait 12 days till we can apply for a social security number to be an active member here in the US. So till then we have to wait till we go to the DMV to get our drivers licence - now that will be an interesting experience with having to set our appointment to get a licence, then do a written test & set up another appointment to bring your car in to do a driving test. Have to have a few more lessons in the back streets to get my driving wings as it will take a while to get used to driving on the other side of the road. Have been reprogramming my brain with the trips on the highway with James.
We were very lucky to open a bank account though so we are just waiting for those plastic cards so we can go shopping - hehehe!!
In the arvo we went to Safeway - man oh man there is so much stuff in there enough to double myself in size - who knows in a couple of years maybe... now that is a scary thought!! Our fave was the isle of breakfast cereals, so many varieties of fruit loops i.e. basically sugar coated sugar in a box for breakfast with some fancy colourful packaging will certainly get u going in the morning. We were looking for muesli but the closest we got was granola (quite nice too!). Grocery shopping is an experience that we have to get used to with the different stuff on the shelf - it took us nearly two hours to get a few basics??!!
Tuesday :: we spent the morning trying to get Ashwin on track as he felt quite sick & it was a very hot day as well plus we had to have a look at some apartments to find a place to settle down & call the valley our home for a while. Luckily we found a place with a heated pool & spa a 2BR apartment will be different from our house back home. We ended up getting it happening with Ashwin spewing in the car on the way back to our temp pad.
Wed :: Have been enjoying the weather here in California by going down to the pool & spa & taking Ashwin in for a dip in his nappy swimmers. I can get used to this way of life hangin' out by the pool in the sunshine.
We all needed some sleep to catch up on all we missed out on before we headed over to the US of A. It was lovely relaxo day...