Ashwin & I spent our first week at home in the apartment complex while James had his first week at work (BTW which he enjoyed & is having a good time there too!) Anyhow Ashwin & I had to entertain each other for a whole 5 days! This isn't too bad considering Ashwin is at an age now where he is a lot more interesting & interested in different things. While Ashwin is enjoying himself with a small selection of toys (bad move - should have bought his whole box of goodies!!) & toys made from found objects (my mothers group will know of my creative use of cds, egg cartons & tins) I spent my time hanging out in the kitchen making Ashwins food & doing the housework - good stuff :) Apart from the domestics I had to catch up on my emails (as I don't want to loose touch with what is going on back home in Australia) & of course updating my blog... Other exciting things to do when Ashwin goes for his afternoon nap is to catch up on some shopping, such as shopping on the internet - doing the groceries, shop for James' birthday prezzie at Amazon (cds) & find some more toys for Ashwin for his birthday. Thought some musical instruments would be a great idea as he likes shaking things about - ta da some maracas came in the post. Ashwin just loves them & enjoys it when u shake them around with him & sing la cuccaracha (the only maraca song I can remember) think I'll have to increase my repertoire!
At least we have some entertainment in the form of the cats - when they are active that is... Food is the key with both of them, we now have some tasty fish flavoured cat treats to tempt the cats out of their slumber. Ashwin will shake the container & they suddenly appear. I have included a pic of scrap here to show you that he can be active in his old age & that he has some great whiskers :)
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