Nothing like starting the weekend with a lovely meal of spaghetti bolognaise (vegetarian) & a glass or two of red wine. With the online grocery order that was delivered to the door came a swag of alcohol to enjoy with our dinners - we just wanted to try some californian wine so why not order a range plus some raspberry stoli of course! We enjoyed a bottle of 2003 merlot with our spaghetti bol but it is hard to compare with some of the Australian wines we were scoring from Dans which were cheep & very tasty. Oh well we will just have to continue the Californian wine mission & try somemore :)

Sat :: We went to SF lovefest http://www2.sflovefest.org/ as u can see from the umbrella pic people were in loving mode - getting it on in the park! There were plenty of sites to check out such as the Abercrombie & Fitch store - mmm who is their target market?? buff boys whoo hoo - hands in the air... You see by the time we got into the city we were starving so we found a great Sri Chinmoy vegetarian restaurant Ananda Fuara (staffed by some beautiful folk with the most peaceful energy) http://www.srichinmoycentre.org/FrontPage/dining_out/ananda-fuara-wins-award. The food there was just delicious & so satisfying that we left with our bellys full and felt very happy & ready to play. Ashwin even had a great time in there as well, being the little star that he is! As we thought of our stomachs before the parade we missed the majority of the street parade & just saw the tail end - which were a couple of massive speakers on a truck playing drum & bass & of course, house music on another. It was cool as we just wandered with the crowd & sat down under some trees to watch the freaky folk go by (that is freaky in a good sense). The sight of naked man on bicycle was just funny as we thought if this guy gets busted by the cops he'll scoot away on his pushie. Others were just wearing a g-string & oil, most were wearing feathers & faux fur was very popular, rainbows & leg warmers were the go, as well as there were some gorgeous wigs on show.
After a while the buzz was waning & we went for a wander down Market St (kinda like Oxford St in Sydney) with the sex shops/shows/cinema?? Whew too much, lucky Ashwin was asleep by then. It was interesting to see some stilt walkers & some street urchins for the festival around the hood. We got back to the Civic Centre when it was time to catch a BART home & make tracks onto Caltrain back to Mountain View station. Quite a mission if your trains aren't in sync - we know for our next trip into da city!
1 comment:
enjoy the outdoor lovin'
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