Thu :: 'Twas our day to wander downtown San Francisco - what a beautiful city & it has a very relaxed energy. Went via University Ave, Palo Alto & caught the CalTrain into da city.
The trip took about 45 mins - kinda like tripping from Geelong to Melbourne without the regional feel. Palo Alto is a very beautiful city in the valley, but it is quite expensive & a bit out of the way for James's work. Saw some wildlife as well (c pic)....
The train journey was very fast at about 80mph so the view outside was a bit blurred?? Ashwin seemed to be having a good time though. We landed downtown & there were people everywhere due to the San Francisco Giants playing some kind of sport - maybe baseball?? The shopping downtown was just sooo good and I enjoyed the window shopping - will be making a trip in the near future to do a bit of shopping I am sure. We only went into macy's (kinda like myer/DJs) to get Ashwin some new threads - $14 USD later & he scored a couple of pairs of shorts & a T.
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