And yes I am homesick & there are days when these nice as pie Americans test my patience! Well I am talking about the annoying telemarketers who can't stop once they have their spiel running. Things will only get better in time, hey it has just been a month & I am still coming to terms to how backward the people here are! The technology is advanced - there is a gadget for everything but when it comes to processes anything you apply for will take forever. Australia is leaps & bounds ahead of America with their processes.
Just cancelled the phonebook directory listing for 28 cents per month - a small price to pay to keep your sanity. Funny thing is that the Americans will only accept NO & you have to really be straighforward with your answers otherwise they will just ring you again and again. One guy today said 'how about a donation for our schools' and my answer was 'sorry I am not interested' so he said 'how about i ring your husband later' - sure dude and I am sure he will say the same. It ain't our problem that the education system here is in a bad shape! There is no way I am sending my son to school in this crazy place...
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