Speaking of freaks, I have dealt with my fair share for the moment, while ordering simple things like stationery & linen online. There was a problem with my credit card - no I hadn't maxed it! It was just that the bank forgot to change my address of our joint bank account so my billing address didn't match the shipping address, grrrrr... So how did I discover this - someone rang re my stationery order & said it had been rejected due to a problem with the address. So I rang the bank & they said "oh we still have your old address on file" OMG what does it take to change an address on a joint bank account??!! Then they said it will take 24 hours to verify, man this place is driving me bananas with their antiquated processes. I will explain the stationery... you see over here you have special places to buy things so you can't just buy envelopes at a supermarket, you have to go to a place called Office Depot, say it with me this time with an American accent Office Depot (forget the t at the end OK!) Well we have managed to accumulate a bunch of paperwork to send back to Australia but we didn't have any envelopes to send them in, then I thought how about ordering online?? Great idea till my card is rejected & then I have to call customer service hotline to order over the phone. Man I am sure I speak in another language as the invoice read some crazy name that sounded like mine but wasn't my name at all & to top it off it was spelt differently on the same page?? go figure?? Then I am tracking this package & the UPS guy realises there is no apartment number on the address & it takes a week to get to me!
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