Anyway, I digress from the shipment of 46 boxes that arrived. The un-packers just emptied the boxes to the closest flat surface in the house which meant the bed in our room & the floor in Ashwins room & the countertops in the kitchen. You don't realise how much stuff you have accumulated until you have to reconfigure them to a new home - the kitchen stuff especially, the apartment kitchen is a third of the size of the our kitchen at home! I pretty much had to throw most of the stuff away or back in storage it will go. Our rooms are looking very cluttered at the moment but the stuff that did arrive doesn't thrill me too much as most of it will go to the goodwill shop anyway! I do hope the insurance money comes through as there is a lot to replace but unfortunately some of it will be irreplaceable e.g. the wedding dress & shoes! I am thankful though that my mac made it here though, I would be very upset if that went missing...
Pic is of Ashwin at Redcliffe in Queensland - nice beach pic, aaaaah :)
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